Friday, March 7, 2014

A toast to new opportunities

So remember a couple posts ago when I said things were finally getting stable? Ha! How long does that ever last? This time there are big changes happening for my family that are scary, but we hope will lead to a happier, more content life.

My husband quit his job this week. To put that in perspective, he is the sole financial provider for our family of four. And, no, there is no other job in the works, applied for, nothing. We've been talking about him leaving for a while. The job has required a lot of overtime and travel, and the environment lately had become increasingly toxic. Finally, we decided together that the money wasn't worth him being miserable.

We always say there has to be more than the 9 to 5 that takes you away from family and adds the unneeded pressures that come from cubicle farms and middle management, often ending only in being "downsized" when times get tough.

It's time to seek out something new, to put family first, to rediscover hobbies. It's scary, but exciting at the same time. I know I'm looking forward to having more time with him. I've missed him this past year. So here's to new opportunities.

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