Sunday, April 13, 2014

Facebook makes me feel like a horrible mom

Do you ever look through your news feed on Facebook and see all these happy posts with moms and their kids all smiley, doing fun things together? And then you feel like you’re a terrible mother because your kids are crying in their rooms after you told them to go there for their own good?

I look like this more often than I'd like to admit.

My youngest isn't even two yet, but it feels like it already. He has a pretty good amount of words for his age, but his favorite way to communicate is through high-pitched screams that make your brain rattle around in your skull. It's quite painful. Needless to say, that makes everyone in the house tense. My 5-year-old is actually in a pretty good stage lately, but with tensions high, I sometimes lose patience with her incessant talking. She likes to jump in with gibberish when her brother is in the middle of screaming either because a toy isn't working the way he wants it to, because I am not doing something he wants me to, or because there is food present and it's not in his mouth.

On those days, I start comparing myself to what I see on social media and feeding that sense of failure. But then I have to come back to reality and realize that we all have bad days. Our kids go through difficult phases. Sometimes we handle them well, sometimes we don’t. Some days it’s enough just to realize that my kids are overall happy, healthy and well adjusted.

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