Friday, April 11, 2014

Consistency is key

I'm starting to realize that the biggest hindrance to achieving any goal I want is consistency. I recently read The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. I have a hard time reading these types of books, because from an editor's perspective, they usually leave much to be desired. I think I could take the book down to 20 pages without losing any essential information. With my red pen safely locked away, I can see that he makes some good points. His basic premise is that if we make small changes and stick with them, over time we will see big results in being a better version of ourselves.

I read the book in January and started putting the principles in action. My business increased, I was busy, I was feeling successful. Then things slowed down, and I stopped working as hard. I go through these cycles all the time, with food, exercise, disciplining my kids, building my business. Half the time I blame it on hormones, but it really just comes down to me being inconsistent. I start by saying, "I've earned a couple days off." Then, that couple days turns into a week, which turns into two weeks, and the next thing I know, I'm feeling down in the dumps because I'm not achieving the things I said I was going to.

I have a million excuses for not being motivated. I could blame my husband, because it's so much harder to get things done with one more person in the house. But, to be honest, I'm glad he's home. We're happier than we've been in a year. My shortcomings are really just me not being consistent.

I've printed out a to-do list for the coming week, and I am starting today. I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to do some form of professional/personal development every day, whether related to my fitness coaching business or my writing business. I am recommitting to that resolution right now.

I'd love to hear any tips and tools that you use to remain consistent. Do you recommend any books that were especially helpful to you?

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