Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pursuing Me

This is my first blog post (ever), which is pretty scary, as sharing personal information is not something I'm comfortable with. But, this year is all about stepping out of my comfort zone. 

I’m a stay-at-home mom of two: a five-year-old girl and a 16-month-old boy. I do part-time freelance writing and editing work during the occasional naptime or between 8 pm and midnight, and I help people meet their fitness goals through coaching.

Being an SAHM is great, but it pretty much means your life revolves around your kids. And every time you make an effort to have a life of your own (or let’s be honest, to pee alone or shower undisturbed), they find a way to barge in. As I write this, my youngest is pulling all the papers off my desk and pulling everything out of the trash, probably looking for food, because he never stops eating. That being said, I have made it a priority to be fit; I’d like to feel confident in my post-baby body. But finding the time to fit in fitness and good nutrition is HARD! And I don’t just want this for me; I want to set a positive example for my kids (because, of course, everything I do has to be related to my kids somehow).

I work out at home and at the local Y when I can. I also do my best to keep junk food out of the house. We do decently well, but there’s always room for improvement, and sweets are a big struggle for me. I do well for a while and fall off the wagon. The past two years have been rough for me. I’ve withdrawn and not pursued the things I wanted. But no more! I’ve chosen to make a huge effort to improve myself this year through personal development, fitness and proper nutrition. To stay on track, I am sharing my journey to find a better me.  


  1. Yay! I'm excited you're blogging! I can really relate to your struggle, too. I gained WAY more weight than I wanted to when I was pregnant with Jake. I just kinda said "who cares?" when I was pregnant, which I totally shouldn't have done. Right before I got pregnant, I was also at my heaviest, which didn't help.

    My sister has a 15-month-old daughter and we made a healthy eating/exercise pact at Christmas time. We text each other what we eat and when we work out to keep each other motivated/accountable. I've been doing lots of Denise Austin workout videos and I have to say, this is the longest I've ever kept up with a workout/eating right plan.

    I'm excited to follow along with your journey!

  2. Thanks! I have a lot to learn and a long way to go with sharing. I am way more comfortable writing technical stuff than personal. :)
